Microsoft, Microsoft Outlook, SnettsBlog |
1st December 2009
How to find messages quickly with an All Mail folder in Outlook
Creating folder and sub-folders in our e-mail clients and now even commercial e-mail providers such as Yahoo and Google has proven to be effective in sorting out your e-mail messages...
Microsoft, Microsoft Outlook, SnettsBlog |
4th November 2009
The power of flagging an E-mail message
I know most of you underestimate or totally never use flagging for e-mail messages. But you at times have corresponded through e-mail and the recipients aren’t too keen in responding....
Microsoft Outlook, Windows |
14th October 2009
Using “hard delete” in Microsoft Outlook
I know most of you have used the keyboard shortcut Shift + Delete to permanently delete items from your respective brand of Microsoft Operating Systems. This shortcut removes a selected...