10 Cool Shortcuts for Windows 7

Windows 7 is finally here and the troubles exhibited by its predecessor have been solved. Now all Microsoft product enthusiasts are really looking forward to put their new Windows 7 system to the test.

The following are some very clever keyboard shortcuts that will simplify your interactivity with your newly installed desktop system and let you have some fun while you are at it:

  1. Window Key + Home: Minimize all but the current window.
  2. Window Key + UP or DOWN arrows: Maximize the currefnt window or minimize/restore the current window.
  3. Window Key + LEFT or RIGHT arrow: Tiles the window on the left side or the right side of the screen.
  4. Window Key + Space: Makes all the open windows transparent so that you can be able to see through to the desktop. Cool huh!
  5. Window Key + P: This for those board room moments. When you need to project a presentation or something. This shortcut lets you choose a network projector display mode.
  6. Window Key + T: Taskbar items here we come. This is pretty much similar to the Alt + TAB keyboard shortcut in Windows Vista and other previous Operating Systems. It cycles through the items on the taskbar.
  7. Window Key + Alt + 1,2,3…0: Accesses the jump list of a program pinned on the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
  8. Window Key + 1,2,3…0: Launches a program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number or accesses a running program on the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
  9. Window Key + Shift + 1,2,3…0: Launches a new instance each for the programs pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
  10. Window Key + Ctrl + 1,2,3…0: Accesses the last active instance of a program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
  11. I hope this helps you navigate through your Windows 7 system easily. You can add more Windows 7 shortcuts that I might have missed and you think are equally cool through comments.

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