Its My Job

On several occasions when I look at what I do on a daily basis, what I accomplish at the end of the day, and the satisfaction I get, I smile broadly. The reason being that I had several challenges along the way before I got to shut the office door and call it a day. What fascinates me most is the different actions and reaction that I did when faced by the different challenges. Each action unique and the reaction would seem to give me some form of thrill. No one would easily envy what I do and my duty station but most definitely would admire the outcome.

I am an Information Officer in a humanitarian setup where credibility and earning community trust are vital to ensuring information passed or gathered is accurate and gets to the intended audience on time. Time being a major factor at the same time security working against you. What’s more the cultural diversity is a sight to behold but also one major huddle when communicating to the community. Still versatility and the trust the community has makes my job bearable.

Picture this; the community has its own interest which seems to contradict the information you are just about to pass. This is where quick negotiations have to be done with each party compromising a bit of their interest but accuracy is a luxury that cannot be compromised. This is called ‘hitting a snag’ but I call it my little bed of roses with a few thorns. A few agreements and disagreements and the deal is done.

Bearing the title information in a humanitarian setup is one major responsibility and requires a lot of patience and above all Solomon’s wisdom. I can only say I love my job.

SNETTSCOM is an IT company. We excel at providing solutions in systems integration, consultancy, outsourcing, applications development, networking and security. Aside from this, SNETTSCOM also specializes in creative design and marketing.

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