Retail Packaging, taking it a step further
by snettscom
There are a lot of marketing strategies that help any business succeed especially if the Marketing Department is up to pace with their jobs. Most of the time professional advertising agencies are hired to yield better results and to ensure effective marketing of your company profile. The holiday season is fast creeping in, but if you don’t start strategizing for the holiday market now then you will suffer losses to your competitors.
Worry not because the following ideas will help you make an impression that will get your customers coming back for more, again and again:
- Thank you notes – We at times underestimate the power of saying thank you when it comes to business. Most say business is business and getting all mucky about it is not good. However, to your surprise it is a good gesture to take your time and put down thank you notes in your handwriting and send them to your clients.
- Gifts – when sending of a package to your clients, including a small gift can come in handy. Something small like company branded pens, caps, t-shirts and what have you will pass a great impression of your business.
- Candy/Sweets – Well, candy/sweets are known to be bad for your teeth but some well packaged sweets/candy are irresistible. You just have to ensure that they are well packaged with the product you are sending to your customer so that they don’t ruin the final packaging.
- Product Samples – If you sell products that you can easily provide smaller samples for, then including these product samples in your packaging will often send customers coming back for more.
- Calendars/Activity Planners/Diaries – Design and print calendars, activity planners and even brand diaries for the coming year with your logo, website and contact information.
- Small gestures that accessorize your product can be very helpful. For instance, if you are a write and you are sending your book to your clients adding a bookmark designed to showcase your company will come a long way to keep your customers coming back for more
- Packaging your product in some not so expensive cool bag with your logo at the side can be a great way to market your company as it is transported from your headquarters to the clients destination.
- Fun Games – I know most of you have gotten some small fun items in the packaging of a product or just as a promotional gesture from a company. How did it make you feel, receiving this other fun item apart from the normal product? Exactly, including a fun key chain puzzle, some dice and a small board game, a small ball or even a frisbee always gets people talking and with smiley faces.
Taking it a step further doesn’t have to cost you much, but what matters is the thought. What are your suggestions to taking it a step further with retail packaging.
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