wpCU3ER has been launched

CU3ER is a .swf (flash) file, designed & developed for displaying images as slides in a 3D way. It requires an XML configuration file in which the paths to the existing images and instructions (settings) necessary for handling them are defined. CU3ER basically enhances your creativity when designing web pages and allows you to create highly attractive image sliding effects changing the users viewing experience.

The great thing about CU3ER is that it is very easy to use and comes with massive 3D effects that will leave your site visitors with. To experience this first hand you can check out the following sites which include CU3ER as their page headers:

Now that you have experienced CU3ER first hand I will continue to the gist of this post. The CU3ER team has launched a new plugin for WordPress. wpCU3ER is a WordPress plugin designed to provide easy CU3ER integration into WordPress powered websites while offering lots of advanced CU3ER content editing & managing features. With simple embedding option and easy content management through familiar WordPress user interface you get full control over whole CU3ER content, slides & transitions.

Some  of the features that make wpCU3ER really convenient include the following: Firstly you need not to get into any coding that is flash coding (ActionScript).

  • Your clients can mange CU3ER by their own
  • Hassle free post/page embedding
  • Content management through WordPress
  • Template tag embedding for custom designs
  • Import CU3ER projects with all related files (js, xml, images & fonts)
  • Add, remove or reorder slides & transitions
  • Completely manage slide & transition settings
  • Change images, heading & paragraph text
  • Edit, preview & manage CU3ER projects within WP admin any time.
  • and of course — it’s free.

So if you are looking for easy integration of a 3D flash image slider with stunning effects, then GET wpCU3ER for your WordPress powered site and CU3ER for your standard web site. If you have any queries when implementing CU3ER feel free to comment below.

SNETTSCOM is an IT company. We excel at providing solutions in systems integration, consultancy, outsourcing, applications development, networking and security. Aside from this, SNETTSCOM also specializes in creative design and marketing.