Everything Web, Google, SnettsBlog, Software, StackOverflow, Web Design |
19th January 2018
The Greatest Programmer Today
SNETTSCOM being an avid user of StackOverflow resources would like to honor Jon Skeet (@jonskeet on Twitter) as The Greatest Programmer Today, because of his achievement of having over 1,000,000...
SnettsBlog |
24th February 2011
MyBlogLog Discontinued
MyBlogLog a Yahoo Service is a great community for bloggers to meet, interact and share contacts. MyBlogLog was set for discontinuation early last year when Yahoo discontinued the MyBlogLog API...
Google, Google Public DNS service, News, SnettsBlog |
8th December 2009
Google Public DNS for faster Web
Google has recently announced its Google Public DNS services for web engines. Web pages are becoming more complex, including more resources from multiple origin domains and clients need to perform...
Everything Web, Google, Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS, SnettsBlog |
24th November 2009
Google Chrome OS
On the 7th month of this year, Google announced the OS initiative that followed the infamous browser Google Chrome. Google Chrome OS is at the moment nothing but an operating...
AdMob, AdSense, Everything Web, Google, Online Marketing, SnettsBlog |
12th November 2009
Google tapping the potential of Mobile Ads
It is common knowledge that: there are more mobile users than there are computer owners. Advertising through the mobile communication platform will reach more users, faster. Google is setting itself...